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Frequently Asked Questions
How often can I use LifeLink to check my baby’s heartbeat?
How often can I use LifeLink to check my baby’s heartbeat?
LifeLink is designed for frequent use. You can check your baby’s heartbeat as often as you like, especially when you're seeking reassurance.
Is LifeLink safe for both my baby and me?
Is LifeLink safe for both my baby and me?
Yes, LifeLink is non-invasive and safe. It uses gentle technology to ensure comfort and peace of mind for both you and your baby.
How clear is the sound of the heartbeat?
How clear is the sound of the heartbeat?
LifeSound Tracker's advanced audio clarity ensures each heartbeat is crisp and easy to identify, providing a truly personal listening experience.
Can I share LifeLink with family members?
Can I share LifeLink with family members?
Of course! LifeLink is ideal for sharing these precious moments with family, helping everyone feel more connected to your pregnancy journey.
Do I need any medical experience to use LifeLink?
Do I need any medical experience to use LifeLink?
Not at all. LifeLink is designed to be simple and intuitive, allowing anyone to listen to the baby’s heartbeat without any medical background.